1309 St. Johns Bluff Rd. N. Ste. 6

Jacksonville Fl 32225

Mon-Fri: 9am to 5pm EST

(904) 853-2179

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2020 Acura ILX

Your Price:







4 cyl

Fuel Economy:



No Accidents





Jacksonville FL

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Additional Information:

Warranty available!
Gas Saver!

Additional Inventory

Enter the date and time would you like to schedule your test drive.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
In order to be able to legally go for a test drive, you must submit a valid drivers license.

Personal Information

Informacion personal
Nombre completo
Entering your phone number here constitutes an inquiry to us and you consent to be contacted by phone, email, or SMS text to discuss your interest in credit, even if you do not click the button to accept our terms and submit or complete this entire application.


Fecha de nacimiento
Número de dependientes esposa hijos

Current Residence

Current Residence
¿Cuánto es su renta/hipoteca mensual?
¿Cuántos años has vivido aquí?
¿Cuál es el nombre de el proprietario/arrendador?
¿El número de proprietario/arrendador?
Please choose one of the above.
(¿Alquila, es propietario o vive con su familia?)

Previous Residence

Residencia anterior
Propietario de la residencia anterior.
¿Renta mensual/Hipoteca?
¿Cuál es el nombre de su pasado arrendador?
Número telefónico de su arrendador.


Estado de empleo
List the company you work for.
Dirrecion de empleador
Años empleados
Nombre del supervisor
Número de teléfono del empleador/Patrón
Ingreso Bruto Mensual
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Please upload copy of your last two paycheck stubs or 6 months bank statements.
Suba una copia de sus últimos dos talones de cheque de pago o estados de cuenta bancarios de los último 6 meses.

Previous employment

Previous employment
Empleador anterior/Patrón anterior
Puesto de trabajo
Años en el empleo?
Salario bruto mensual

Additional Income

Ingreso adicional/complementario
Alimony, child support, or any other payments you would like us to consider for repayment.
Pensión alimenticia, manutención de los hijos o cualquier otro pago que le gustaría que consideráramos para el reembolso.

Credit History

Historial crediticio
¿Le han embargado un vehiculo en los ultimos 12 meses?
¿Tiene alguna cuenta de carro actual?
¿Esta pasando por bancarrota?

First Reference (copy)

Primera referencia personal

Second Reference

Segunda Referencia

Third Reference

Tercera referencia

Fourth Reference

Cuarta referencia


Que tipo de vehículo esta buscando?
Su depósito
Monto mensual deseado
Ingrese su número de Vin para permutar su vehículo (Si cuenta con alguno)

Banking Information

¿Cuál es el nombre de su banco?

State Law Disclosure

*** Scroll to the bottom to Submit ***


ME Applicants: You must have physical damage insurance covering loss or damage to the vehicle for the term of any contract. For a lease, you must also have the liability insurance as described in the lease. You may buy this insurance from anyone you choose. You do not have to buy it from someone affiliated with the dealer or an assignee of the contract you enter into. Your choice of insurance will not affect the credit approval process unless the insurance does not satisfy the contract requirements or the insurance company does not satisfy the reasonable standards of the dealer or an assignee of the contract you enter into.

NH Residents: If you are applying for a balloon payment contract, you are entitled to receive, upon request and before entering into the balloon contract, a written estimate of the monthly payment amount for refinancing the balloon payment in accord with the creditor's existing refinance programs. You would be entitled to receive the estimate before you enter into a balloon payment contract. A balloon contract is an installment sale contract with a final scheduled payment that is at least twice the amount of one of the earlier scheduled equal periodic installment payments.

NY Applicants: Consumer reports may be requested in connection with this application. Upon request, you will be informed whether or not a consumer report was requested and, if it was, of the name and address of the consumer reporting agency that furnished the report. Additional consumer reports may be requested with respect to any extension or renewal of this obligation.

OH Applicants: The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all credit worthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

RI Residents: Consumer reports may be requested in connection with this application.

VT Residents: If an account is created, you authorize the obtaining of credit reports for purposes of reviewing or taking collection action on the account or for other legitimate purposes associated with the account.

Notice to Married WI Residents: No provision of any marital property agreement, a unilateral statement under Wis. Stat. § 766.59 or a court decree under Wis. Stat. §766.70 adversely affects the interest of the creditor unless the creditor, prior to the time the credit is granted, is furnished a copy of the agreement, statement or decree or has actual knowledge of the adverse provision when the obligation to the creditor is incurred. The credit being applied for, if granted, will be incurred in the interest of my marriage or family. I understand that the creditor may be required by law to give notice of the credit transaction to my spouse.

Acknowledgements By clicking Submit, you (the applicant and each co-applicant): (1) certify that the information you provided is complete, true and accurate; (2) authorize us and financial institutions to whom we submit your application (hereinafter “Finance Sources”) to obtain consumer credit reports and to gather employment history as necessary and appropriate to determine your creditworthiness; (3) understand that we, the Finance Sources, or our assignees (collectively, “Creditors”) will retain this application whether or not it is approved. You also agree that each Creditor may monitor and record telephone calls regarding your account to assure the quality of our service or for other reasons; and may contact you in writing, by e-mail, or using prerecorded/artificial voice messages, text messages, and automatic telephone dialing systems, while servicing or collecting your account, as the law allows, using the telephone number(s) that you provide in this credit application, you provide in the future, or that a Creditor may obtain from another source, even if the number is for a mobile telephone and/or our using the number results in charges to you.